2010년 6월 27일 일요일

Yoga_Seoul best Spa, SPA nesr Ritch carlton

Yoga is a wonderful way to achieve both inner and outer transformation.

With regular yoga practice you can expect increased flexibility,
strength and general health as well as improved mood, sleep and a sense of inner peace.

Here are the best placer for yoga.

How about visiting us and having some exercise?

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

Korean best spa, Seoul best massage_Oily skin

Oily skin commonly affects people of all ages,
although it occurs most frequently in teenagers
and young adults, especially young men.

It is a skin type rather than an abnormal condition,
and although it can be a nuisance, there are benefits.

Many over-the-counter products are available to
control the effects of oily skin; in severe cases,
a dermatologist can offer other options.

In our shop you can get persistent care,
and it will help you the most.

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588
[출처] About Oily Skin작성자 Healingstone Spa

korean best massage_Dry, irritated skin can be caused by a variety of factors.

Dry, irritated skin can be caused by a variety of factors.

Dry air, cold, sun exposure,
pollution and chemical reactions to make-up or soaps
can all cause dry, irritated skin.

Sometimes the problem is inside the body rather than outside.

Deficiencies of vitamin A, B or E can all cause dry skin.

I think you can be checked about your skin type,
and get your own proper recipe.

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

Massage near Shinnonhyun station/Sericite cosmetics_ Healingstone Spa

Natrure Stick
Keep your skin beautiful and healthy by enhancing the natural depuration
with the clean and abundant natural minerals !

It has been used as the materal of the high quality cosmetics, because the
sericite contains and abounds in natural minerals.
The biggest reason the sercite has been widely used for the cometics is
that it is well spread and last long ypur skin.

1.Skin-care features for skin protection.
2.Sercite's excellent makeup effects.
3.Easy portability.

Capacity 10g

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

2010년 5월 26일 수요일

강남 스파/커플 스파:특별한 이벤트. 특별한 선물. 스파 상품권

인터넷을 열고 검색창에 ‘어버이날 선물’을 치면, 불과 몇 년전만 해도 건강식품, 백화점 상품권, 꽃배달 등이 전부였는데, 요즘은 다양한 상품이 많다. 그중 유달리 눈에 띄는 현상은 주름 성형, 임플란트, 건강진단 등 건강 관련 선물이 점점 많아지고 있다는 것이다. 100세까지의 인생을 설계해야 하는 요즘 시대에 부모님께 드릴 수 있는 최고의 선물은 당연히 ‘건강’이기 때문에 나타나는 당연한 결과이리라. 그런데, 이런 건강 선물 트렌드를 반영한 또 하나의 이색 어버이날 선물이 있어 화제다. ‘전문적인 마사지’를 선물할 수 있는 ‘스파 상품권’이 바로 그것이다.
스파 포털 사이트(http://www.gospa.co.kr)와 힐링스톤스파(http://www.healingstonespa.com) 직영 매장을 운영중인 박영남 대표는 스파 상품권이 해가 거듭될수록 어버이날 선물로 점점 더 각광받고 있다고 밝혔다. 박영남 대표는 “어버이날 선물로 선택하신 분들의 의견은 대개 3가지로 집계되는데 스파상품권은 첫째 건강진단이나 성형처럼 아픔을 참아야 하는 아이템이 아닌 전문적 마사지를 통한 휴식과 감동을 선물할 수 있기 때문에 고령이신 부모님에게 더 적합하다는 점, 둘째 우리 부모님세대는 마사지, 피부관리가 사치라 생각하셔서 정작 본인에게 절실히 필요해도 평소에 잘 받지 않으시므로, 이런 날을 기념해 일상의 작은 사치를 경험하게 해드리고 싶다는 의견이 많다”며 “셋째로 요즘 젊은 세대에게 스파는 피곤할 때, 피부가 거칠어졌을 때는 물론, 이색 데이트 코스로도 자주 방문하는 곳인데, 매번 부모님을 못모시고 오는 것이 너무 죄송하다. 이 선물을 계기로 죄송한 마음을 약간이라도 덜고 싶다는 의견도 많다”고 말했다. 실제 이런 계기로 선물해드렸던 스파상품권에 대한 부모님의 만족도가 매우 커서 다음 생신이나 기념일에 재구매하는 비율도 꾸준히 늘고 있다. 또, 박영남 대표는 “데이트를 목적으로 하는 커플 스파 프로그램의 대다수는 남성에 의해 구매되는 반면, 어버이날의 스파 상품권은 대다수가 여성에 의해 구매되고 있는 현상이 있다”고 말했다. 박 대표는 “이런 집계를 하다 보면 직원들 중 딸을 가진 직원은 다행이라며 웃고, 아들 가진 직원은 썩 불안해 하는 눈치”라면서 "올해 2010년에는 이례적으로 많은 아드님이 부모님의 건강을 챙기셨으면 좋겠어요. 스파에 따라서 2인 또는 4인 가족이 함께 이용할 수 있는 상품이 있으니 가족과의 잊지못할 소중한 추억을 쌓으시기 참 좋습니다”라고 말했다.

2010년 5월 20일 목요일

Healingstone Spa's Mothers day event

Healingstone Spa's Mothers day event

our customers visited with their mother and father in healingstone spa !

Thanks For their endless love , they give Healingstone spa gift card their parents.

After take the massage, they said " This spa is wonderful! we feel rejuvenated since takine aroma stone treatment "

customer and their parnets had such a blissful time on healingstone spa~!

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

[Gangnam spa & massage] Best massage in seoul and Best service

Healingstone Spa's therapist iris

she brought her mother on lovely day
Healingstone Spa makes it for therapist as well as customers.

By offering Healingstone spa's treatment thier lover and dear friends, we can give offering service better and real true mind like they offering treatment for thier lover

we always keeping mind like that for our customers ~!

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

For Travel Relief

Travel Relief
-Soothe An enlivening and rejuvenating treatment using physical manipulations like
foot spa, stretching, and aroma stone therapy including inhalations with essential aroma oils will transport you quickly into the right time zone and get your body and mind back in business.
aroma stone treatment 80mins 176,000
120mins 220,000

-indian head & neck also can be helpful your travel fatigue
it's focus relief from neck, shoulder & head

indian head & Neck Massage 40mins 55,000

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

sick of modern - Headache from stress

sick of modern - Headache from stress

Usually, headaches are merely passing annoyances that go away with aspirin or after a nap, but as many as 45 million people suffer from chronic and/or severe headaches that seriously interfere with their lives.

treatment headache

Most headaches are tension headaches, caused by a muscle spasm in the back of the head and neck. The spasm can be sparked by emotional stress or by holding the head in a fixed position (for example, while facing a computer screen or driving for hours). Sometimes the pain can be very severe and felt in the back of the head and encircling the head in a vise-like band.

Tension headache are sometimes helped by measures to relax the tight muscles. Theses include massage, hot showers and heating pads on the back of the neck or cold packs.
Biofeedback adn muscle-relaxation training may be helpful

some peoples find other method such as medicine, but for headaches, prescription analgesics aren't always useful.
They tend to lose their effectiveness, encourage dependency, and cause "rebound" headaches when they wear off.

for treatment headache, I'll recomend indian head & neck

Healing stone spa's indiand head & neck includes neck and shoulder shiatsu without aroma oils
When the aroma oils dropped on the headline, you will be fall in sleep and feels relaxing your mind and headache

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

2010년 5월 8일 토요일

signature: deeptissue massage&meridian_healingstonespa in korea

Deep Tissue Massage is a massage technique.

It focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue.

It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body

through slow strokes and deep finger pressure

Deep tissue massage helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue.

It feels good and it is beneficial to your health.

A deep-tissue massage helps loosen muscle tissues,

release toxins from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating properly.
located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907.
Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul.

top 3 ; popular massage treatment in Healingstone Spa

top 3 ; popular massage treatment in Healingstone Spa

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

2010년 5월 6일 목요일

한국형비만에 문제는 무엇일까?

요즘에 현대인에게 아무리 고기와 기름기가 익숙해졌다고 하더라도
한국형비만은 탄수화물이 원인이라고 합니다.

이를 가늠할 수 있는 것들이 있는데요.

1.빵이나 떡, 면 등 을 먹으면 양을 조절하지 못한다.
2.피자나 햄버거등 인스턴트음식을 좋아한다 .

3. 식사를 하고 나면 졸리고 나른한 적이 많다.
4. 신맛이 나는 과일보다 단맛이 나는 과일을 좋아한다.
5. 스트레스를 받으면 초콜릿이나 과자 같은 단 음식을 먹어야 해소가 된다.
6. 원두커피보다는 설탕이 들어간 커피믹스를 좋아한다.
7. 정말 배고프지 않은 데도 먹을 때가 자주 있다.
8. 계속 다이어트를 하는데도 그때뿐이고 다시 살이 찐다.
9.손이 닿는 곳에 초콜렛등 달달한 간식거리가 항상있다.

4개 이상이라고 하면 당신은 탄수화물 중독일 위험성이 많다는 것이고
식습관이 개선되지 않는 이상 다이어트를 한다고 해도
요요현상으로 다시 살이 찔 수 있다는 뜻입니다.

특히 한국사람은 탄수화물에 집착을 많이하여
식욕억제제나 지방흡수를 억제하는 약물은
별로 효과가 없다고합니다.

자신의 식습관에 대해 다시 생각해보고 다이어트를 하는 것은 어떨까요?

서울시 강남구 역삼동 603-7 대림빌딩 1층

고객님을 위해 준비하였습니다_스파 상품권::특별한 선물::

고객님을 위해 준비하였습니다.

5월 어버이날을 맞이하여
힐링스톤스파에서는 감동 선물 이벤트를 준비하였습니다.
저희 힐링스톤스파에 문의전화가 빚발치고 있는 가운데...
미국에 사시는 고객님께서 시부모님께 감동적인 선물 이벤트를 하고싶다고
문의를 주셨습니다. 해서 저희 힐링스톤스파에서는
시부모님을 생각하시는 고객님의 마음을 해아려 정성껏 고품격으로 포장을 하고
시부모님을 찾아뵙지 못하는 마음을 편지에 담아
아직까지 어버이날 준비못하셨으면 빨리 서두르세요.
고객님께서 부모님을 생각하시는 정성스런 마음을 고이 보내드립니다.

서울시 강남구 역삼동 603-7 대림빌딩 1층
02) 3288-5588

2010년 4월 28일 수요일

massage in seoul.south korea. near novotel

Wine therapy is grape seed extract for anti-aging treatments.

It currently used in spas in Canada, Mexico and other parts of the US.

grape seed polyphenols the antioxidant compound found in the seeds form a protective layer on the skin and stimulate the renewal of cells and collagen while also clearing up damaging free radicals.

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

2010년 3월 30일 화요일

best massage spa in south korea : beauty products_healingstonespa

Dermalogica HAS NO MINERAL OIL- Dermalogica uses lightweight, natural vegetable oils as alternative emollients. HAS NO LANOLIN - Dermalogica uses aromatic essential oils and silk proteins as moisturizing agents. HAS NO ARTIFICIAL COLOURS - Dermalogica does not use artificial colour. The natural ingredients determine the final appearance of any Dermalogica product.
located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

beauty products in healingstonespa: best massga in seoul

All Thalgo products incorporate the purest natural ingredients from marine or plant origin rich in minerals, trace elements, proteins, amino-acids and vitamins carefully selected for their effectiveness and superb results. We use the latest technology to create high performance products suitable for all ages, all skin types and for both men and women.

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea

2010년 3월 28일 일요일

Healingstone Spa gift card! located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

Healingstone Spa gift card!

What a special gift!

you can save money as much as you want.

if he visit to our spa who given Healingstone Spa gift card, he can take a massage.

I'm sure you won't regret your choice!

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

2010년 3월 20일 토요일

Indian Head & Neck Massage in healingstonespa

Indian Head & Neck Massage - An Ancient Indian Massage

Indian Head Massage is soothing, revitalizing and relaxing.
It conveys reassurance, warmth and a sense of self worth.
It relaxes tight muscles and eases stress, tension and anxiety.

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

ear candle therapy in healingstonespa

Ear candling benefit everyone who are stressd, from infants to adults. it'll help people who often have a lot more wax build up than other people. People who wear hearing aids can benefit. Also, those people who have had previous ear injuries, can benefit from ear candling as they tend to have a greater build up of wax and fungus.
located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea+82-2-3288-5588

2010년 3월 19일 금요일

massage in gangnam near novotel, healingstonespa


Shiatsu is a form of acupressure: the use of finger or thumb pressure on points along meridians (energy channels) to help relieve pain and encourage the body to heal itself.

The pressure points are the same as those used in acupuncture.

Member Non
Healing Fusion Shiatsu 80min 109,000 121,000

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907.

Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea


located near novotel in Seoul : massage, relax. aromatherapy oil

HealingStone Spa's Aromatherapy Story

We use the aromatherapy to foot spa and treatment to help your relax

Clary Sage salvia sclarea

  • Part of plant: flowering tops, seed (the leaves, flowers)
  • Country: Russia, Southern Europe
  • Main constituents: Linalylacetate, Linalol
  • Extraction method: steam distillation
  • safety factors: Narcotic-alcohol should not be drunk when using it.

Avoid during pregnancy

  • Aroma use: anti-inflammatory tonic

antispasmodic(muscle cramp) hypotensive oil and uplifting(only for mind)

relaxing powerful relaxing and tonic , calms nerves, spasm

inflammation, Euphoric, hormonal(traces of oestrogen)

Stress, panic attacks, PMT, menopausal symptoms , irregular menstruation, convalescense

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907.
Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea

2010년 3월 14일 일요일

We use jojoba oil for facial massage. healingstonespa .best spa in south korea

We use jojoba oil for facial massage.

Jojoba (simmondsia chinensis)

Plant family: Simmondsiaceae

Source: Bean

Country of origin: USA, Mexico Jojoba is actually a liquid wax not a carrier oil.
It can be a useful addition to a massage oil blend but is too expensive to be used as a base oil.

Properties: -fine-textured (smooth, not sticky or grainy)
-useful for many conditions:
its chemical structure is similar to that of the skin's own oil, sebum,
so it is useful for treating both excessive sebum
production (oily skin and/ or acne) because it can dissolve the sebum, as well as
underproduction,such as dry skin, dandruff or other dry skin
conditions like eczema and psoriasis


Advantages: good for all skin types
stable so keeps well.

Disadvantages: expensive.

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea
zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea +82-2-3288-5588

Healingstone spa's special Aroma Stone therapy! .massage in korea

Healingstone spa's special Aroma Stone therapy!
It is our most popular massage treatment.

We offer fantastic interiors and treatment .
The aromastone therapy is good for relieving stress and we made stone therapy -deep tissue massage fusion therapy.

if you take this treatment you will get into Healingstone Spa!

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea
zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea +82-2-3288-5588

2010년 3월 12일 금요일

located near novotel in Seoul : massage spa, relaxing

Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)

Part of plant: flower seeds

Main properties: linoleic acid, GLA(gammo-linoleic acid)

Advantages: useful for treating dry skin conditions including dandruff, eczema
PMT(premenstrual tension) hormone balance
menopausal problem

Disadvantages: expensive

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea
zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea +82-2-3288-5588

2010년 3월 10일 수요일

Aromatherapy to help your dry and wrinkled skin.

Avocado ( persea americana)

part of plant : fruits

properties: contains lecithin , saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids
high vitamin content A,B,C
high in oleic and palmitic acids, also contains linoleic and linolenic acids
dark green

advantages: stores well(because it contains a natural antioxidant)
emollient (softens and smooths skin)
good for dry and wrinkled skin

disadvantages: can become sticky during massage
has a strong and distinctive smell.

located near novotel in Seoul as a capital city of South Korea

zip 135-907. Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong. Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea +82-2-3288-5588

2010년 2월 23일 화요일

Best Antiaging Treatment in healingstonespa near novotel in gangnam(South Korea)

Best Antiaging Treatment in healingstonespa near novotel in gangnam(South Korea)

Skin Rejuvenation

: we offer an extensive range of therapies to help reduce facial lines and wrinkles and counteract the signs of ageing.

Benefits reported by people:
-Reduced lines around the mouth, eyes and

around the face in general Reduced bags under the eyes

-Increased fullness of the lips

-Tightened and strengthened facial muscles

-Increased blood flow to the skin making it more radiant, healthy and smoother

2010년 2월 19일 금요일

massage.relax.yoga in healingstonespa near novotel in gangnam

Far more better place to relax!Getting professional treatment by fully-qualified massage therapiest

Wellness place, healingstone spaSericite, the main decorating material of Healingstone Spa is produced in the Gumcheon Mines in Chungcheongbuk-do, one of the cleanest region in Korea. Healingstone Spa Bed&Mat consists of Sericite ceramics that emanate for infrared rays and a mattress component that circulates warm water within, and a hot water boiler unit.

Treated by fully-qualified therapists educated spa consulting companyupdate knowledge through Continuing Education weekly!

Provide the highest quality ingrediantsFor the treatment, we use Thalgo which is a worldwide recognised cosmetic brand, Materia Aromatica which Organic aromatherapy oil. We offer you homade yogurt or mauntain berry juice.

The opening hours: 9:30 am~ 4:30 amHealingstone spa is opened during weekend for your convenience.

2010년 2월 6일 토요일

massage.korea.relax body massage in seoul. near best western gangnam hotel

massage.korea.relax body massage in seoul. near best western gangnam hotel

The basic goal of massage therapy is to help the body heal itself
and to increase health and well-being.

Therapist learn specific techniques for massage and use their sense of touch
to determine the right amount of pressure to apply to each person and locate areas of tension and other soft-tissue problems.

Touch also conveys a sense of caring,
an important component in the healing relationship.

zip 135-907.
Daerim Bldg.1F. 603-7. Yeoksam-dong.
Gangnam-gu.Seoul. Korea